
Planting Services in the South Shore Area

Planting shrubs is an art and a science. That’s why it makes sense to use experts. With professional garden plantings, shrubs and other plants are more likely to survive and flourish, even over harsh winters.

Mass Lawn Pros has a great reputation and reviews in the South Shore Area for garden design. Our shrub and tree plantings help you achieve the landscaping of your dreams, transforming your property in the process.

When planting shrubs and trees, we consider the season, flowering time, plant size, the amount of shade species require, and resistance to parasites and disease. We also consider maintenance and tell you how much investment new shrubs will need if you decide to go ahead.

Fall is generally the best time to plant shrubs. That’s because the combination of warm soil and cool air stimulates root growth. However, you can arrange plantings at other times of the year.

Benefits of Planting Services

The benefits of getting planting services along with your garden installation are substantial. They include:

If you’d like to learn more about our planting services, get in touch with our team. We provide free estimates and respond to all enquiries promptly.

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Check out some of our Plantings

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